lunes, febrero 07, 2005

Brindis al sol y reducción del déficit

Edmund Andrews en el New York Times explica mejor que yo porque los planes de reducción del déficit de Bush son poco creíbles:

The economy is growing. Tax revenues are climbing. But can these factors rescue President Bush from a federal deficit that seems stuck above $400 billion?

The answer, unfortunately, is almost certainly no, analysts say.

For all the programs that Mr. Bush is expected to slash in his budget proposal on Monday - from health care and housing aid to Amtrak - the cuts would total less than $15 billion next year and barely dent the deficit.

By far the biggest parts of the budget - Medicare, Social Security and military spending - would be immune from cuts and are expected to grow rapidly for years to come.

El artículo es estupendo, merece un vistazo. Básicamente, Bush se ha dedicado a pedir recortes en programas que sabe que el congreso o miembros claves de varios comités no admitirán nunca. El marrón, para variar, para otros, que aquí nunca es culpa de nadie de los que mandan. Estupendo.

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